31 August 2009

Photo Shoot

Poor Kennedy had to endure a lengthy "photo shoot" today as I re-discovered my love of portrait photography. She is such a cute subject to practice with... why not put her to good use? :) It was fun to experiment with the various settings on our camera and explore photoshop. I had forgotten how much I love photography. Below are some of the better shots - they are quite amateur but enjoy!

28 August 2009

25 August 2009

Mariners Game

We had a great time celebrating Danny's birthday at the Mariners game! We had seats in the cafe area so we were able to eat dinner, have a few drinks and watch the game from our table. Definitley a fun way to spend a beautiful summer night! Happy Birthday Danny!

23 August 2009

Daddy's Hat

While I worked in my classroom today, Kennedy and Sean spent the day together. Sean took some cute photos of Kennedy wearing his hat...she is clearly not sure what to think of this game! Her funny expressions continue to just crack us up!

17 August 2009

Our Little Peanut

Kennedy had her 6-month checkup and she continues to be a petite little one.
Here are her stats:
Weight: 14.5 lbs (25th percentile)
Length: 25 1/4 inches (25th percentile)
Head: 41 cm (25th percentile)

Kennedy's 6-month developmental milestones include:

*** Sitting up un-assisted
*** Eating Solid Foods (baby oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes, carrots)
*** Rolling tummy to back and back to tummy consistently
*** Grabs at everything (immediately in the mouth)
*** Teething (but no teeth yet) :-(
*** LOTS of dimpled smiles and laughs- very, very social... loves people (especially kids)
***And, unfortunately, she caught her first cold and cough this month. Must have been the airplane we went on!

A few favorite photos from this month:

Family and Friends

We had a fun weekend with friends and family. My cousins, Reed and Rachael, were both in town and it was great to spend time with them. Reed is an ER doctor and he was completing a rotation at Virginia Mason. Rachael was in town for a friend's wedding. Our great friends, Kate and Kevin (and baby Finn), came over for brunch on Sunday. And we finished off the weekend with a fun dinner in celebration of Margaret and Danny's engagement! Congrats you two!

Reed and I

Rachael and her friends Jenny and Scout (and little Peter!)

Reed and Kennedy

Katie and Kennedy

Danny and Margaret- the newly engaged couple!

Danny, Margaret, Cassidy and Brian

the Newlyweds... Heidi and Brian

Kjell and Vanessa (also newlyweds!)
Sean and I

the girls!

Kennedy's Boys

Kennedy had a playdate with Scout's little boy, Peter, and Katie's little boy, Finn, this past weekend. Both little guys are too cute and Kennedy loved spending time with both of her "boyfriends." :-)

Kennedy and Finn (2 months old)

Kennedy thinks this is great... Finn is not so sure

Kennedy pondering the monkey on Peter's foot

Cute little Peter (2 weeks younger than Kennedy)
Kennedy and Peter checkin' each other out

13 August 2009


Our little munchkin is now a participating member of dinner time! She is finally big enough to sit in her "hook-on" high chair at the table with us. :-) Kennedy has also developed a major love for her activity jumper (see last photo). She jumps and bounces and makes all kinds of noises in it. More importantly, it entertains her for lengthy periods of time so I can get things done around the house!