15 March 2011

Things to Remember...

Sometimes I like to stop and write down simple things that Kennedy is doing at a given stage that I find so great or entertaining or just cute. While I may think I will never, ever forgot these details, I know that over time, I probably will (especially as a second little girl enters our lives and I have to remember another set of milestones and details).

So, at just over two years old, here are a few things that I hope to remember about Little Miss K....

***Her love of baths and all things involving bubbles...

***How she spends significant amounts of time in my closet trying on my shoes (and how she says "cheeese" when we take her picture now)...

*** Our coffee-making sessions...

*** Cousin Love (Rocky & Kiki)

*** Monday morning story time at the library (she will not yet join the group, she just likes to watch from my lap or right next to me...)

*** Her love of the "wiggies" (wiggles t.v. show)...
*** How she accurately comments when people are "so sad" or "so happy"
*** How she says hi and bye to everyone we pass at the grocery store (and how she told all of these people that "Amy has an owie" the week Auntie Amy had her baby...)
*** How she has started calling her daddy "Sean" (because that is what everyone calls him)... I think it might be the funniest thing she has done yet.

*** And lastly, just how darn cute I think she is...