That's right, another wedding! This will be my third wedding post in four weeks- whew!
We spent a fantastic Labor Day weekend in Montana celebrating my cousin Rachael's wedding! Rachael and Bob were married at the cathedral in Helena and had a beautiful reception at the Civic Center. It officially goes down as the largest wedding I have ever attended with a final guest count of about 680 people! They did a wonderful job planning though because it did not feel like there were that many people there.
As I have said before, Rachael is not just my cousin but such a dear friend as well. I was honored to be a bridesmaid and it was so special to spend her wedding day with her. She was truly a beautiful bride! Sean was "on duty" with Kennedy most of the weekend as I was busy with Rachael and the other bridesmaids. He was a trooper - he didn't complain once. :) Fortunately, he did get to play a round of golf Friday morning which was a nice reprieve for him- thanks, Mom, for babysitting!
I'd like to say I just snapped a "few" photos but you know me! :) As usual I tried to downsize although you can't tell given the slew of photos that are to follow.... enjoy!
We kicked off the weekend with a bridesmaid brunch hosted by my Aunt Judy. It was so sweet and special!
Each bridesmaid had a framed photo at her spot... such a nice touch!
bridesmaids Casey and Jeannie

bridesmaids Jenn and Scout
Next came the church rehearsal and dinner!
I actually didn't take too many photos of the rehearsal-
Kennedy was in rare form and kept Sean and I on our toes most of the evening! :)
Elise (the flower girl) and Rachael at the church
Kennedy "striking a pose"- I LOVE her little arms in this photo!
Believe it or not- this is 3 generations!
And, finally the wedding day was here! We spent the morning at the salon getting hair and make-up done. Then we had lunch and got dressed at the bed and breakfast across the street from the cathedral.
Is she beautiful or what???
All the bridesmaids and flower girl
my cousin Reed and his wife, Lisi
my cousin Rob and his girlfriend, Krista
This is my Uncle Bill's boutonniere...
my Aunt Judy personalized it with a picture of his parents (my grandparents).
So special!!
Just Married!
We rode a trolley from the church to the reception- very fun!
Jenny (the matron of honor) and her husband Brent. Such a fun couple!
cousins Sarah and Paige with Rachael
cousins Harry and Bryan- they are a kick!
more cousins... Pat and Shelley (with baby Ava) and Seth and Erin
father-daughter dance ...there was no awkward swaying here... these two can DANCE!
my mom with 5 of her 7 siblings (8 total)
Here we are, the four musketeers!
Heidi, Marilee, Rachael and I were buddies growing up together.
We got this same picture at my wedding and now at Rachael's.
We hope to eventually have one from each of
our four weddings!
Above: Aunt Sharon and Aunt Jeanie (sisters- 11 years apart!)
Below: Mom and Aunt Sharon (sisters- 22 years apart!)
Overall, we had a really fantastic time at Rachael and Bob's wedding.
I love, love, love seeing so much of my family in one place.
It doesn't happen often enough.