Things are finally settling down for us a bit as we are finally moved. We will be moving into our house in May so we will spend the next few months in a cozy, little apartment.
A few days after Christmas, we celebrated the marriage of Sean's cousin Heather to Mitch. It was a beautiful wedding and we had a great time. They are a cute, cute couple!
Sean with his dad and Uncle Tim
Amy with cousins Clare and Bethany
Sean and I
The adorable ring bearer and flower girl
(Sean's cousin's Robert and Elise)
Over the past few months, Kennedy has become really interested in dolls. She was given a couple of dolls for Christmas and all kinds of doll paraphernalia (stroller, high chair, crib) to go with them. Now, everything we do somehow involves her dolls. :)
And, just a couple of recent photos of our girl at 23 months... can't believe she is almost two!
Two weeks ago, our cat Max had surgery to remove his right eye. He has a chronic condition called Keratitis in his eye which causes eventual blindess. We have been trying to treat it with drops for the past couple of years but the drops are getting expensive and they aren't making much of a difference so we made the decision to just have the eye removed. He had very little vision left in it anyways. He has done really well with the surgery and although it still looks gross, it is healing nicely and eventually, it will look like nothing at all. By the way, the other eye is perfectly normal, the camera just caught a funny light in it. :)

Well, that's about it for a few updates. We are looking forward to a quiet, relaxed January. Moving was pretty exhausting and though we had a great Christmas, it too is always a whirlwind so it is nice to have some down time and get back to normal. My pregnancy is progressing along nicely and I feel really good. I am 15 weeks now (almost 4 months along). We have an ultrasound on the 27th of January. We are hoping (and praying) that we will see a healthy, developing baby and maybe even catch a glimpse of the gender! ;)