Last weekend, the kids and I traveled to Bozeman, MT with my mom and Rachael for my cousin Marilee's wedding. Sean was away on a hunting trip so my mom and I managed the four kiddos and enjoyed a chaotic but super fun weekend.
Bozeman is a gorgeous, gorgeous place and I really can't express how beautiful the wedding was.
I wish I had been able to really get some great photos of the beautiful venue and bride but it was hard to find time to even snap the few photos I did while chasing my kids around and trying to visit with family.
I am looking forward to seeing Marilee and Jonathan's professional photos as I know they will be amazing! Congrats you two!
About 10 seconds after this photo was taken, Mara dropped Aiden face first into the grass.
Ahh, the memories.
Rachael was solo parenting over the weekend as well.
We felt grateful for helpful grandmas and WINE.
Love this girl so very much.
The beautiful bride!
Uncle Bill and myself.
My favorite uncle and just generally one of my favorite men to ever walk this planet.
My cousin Robbie played the guitar and sang "Forever" by Ben Harper.
He made the whole wedding cry... it was beautiful and it is now my favorite song.
Rachael, Heidi, Marilee and I grew up calling ourselves the "Four Musketeers."
We have made it a tradition to get a photo of the four of us at each of our weddings.
I think we waited until too late in the night at this wedding though... LOL!
Hoping the wedding photographer got a better shot! :)
This was taken at the airport right before we flew home.
I think I might be half-asleep.
It was a two-woman job flying with four kids and all of our crap.
Super thankful for my mom on this trip, definitely couldn't have done it without her!