11 November 2016

08 November 2016

My favorites.

My Aunt Sharon was in town visiting a few weeks ago so we got to spend an evening with her and my mom and Aunt Jeanie came as well. It was only a few hours but we had such a great time sitting around my kitchen island drinking wine and visiting. I had Sean snap this photo and I love it so much. These are truly the three most influential women in my life. So much of who I am as a woman and a mother comes from them. As I navigate my 30's and parenthood and marriage and family, I find myself reflecting so much on my own childhood and family and the lessons I have learned from each of these great women.

Halloween 2016

Halloween has really grown on me the past few years and has come to be one of my favorite holidays with the kids. I love looking back at the porch pictures I take each year. This was a difficult year to photograph little Spidey-man there as he wanted nothing to do with photos (or his Spider-Man mask). I did manage to get him in a few but he wasn't sparing a smile for me. ;)
Kennedy and Mara both dressed as characters (Mal and Evie) from the movie the Descendents which was fun and a nice little break from the princess costumes we usually have each year! Ha!


We were invited to a really fun family costume party by one of Kennedy's classmates and his family.
We had a ton of fun dressing up (okay Sean hated it but anywho) and an even better time at the party with so many great school families. We feel blessed to have such great kids and parents at our girls' school.
 Pumpkin carving a few days before Halloween...
Skeleton by day, Spider-Man by night
I recently upgraded to the iPhone and I have been taking advantage of the swap direction function on the camera (it was broken on my old phone) and getting in a few more photos with the kids!
  We did not make it to the Pumpkin Patch as a family this year but Mara and McKenna did have a classmates' birthday at a pumpkin patch so while we were there we grabbed a few and brought some home. Easy peezy.