31 May 2013

Popsicle Girls

I have been so unmotivated to blog lately... I even told Sean I was thinking of deleting the blog (gasp!). 
I mean, does anyone even read this thing? LOL
In reality,I am spending so much time photographing/editing for my clients that I have no time to photograph my own family. 
So I am downsizing a bit and trying to re-focus on making sure I am capturing the little and big moments for these little girls. Here are just a few snap shots taken on my point and shoot camera. 

The girls love to have a popsicle after dinner... 

And build forts/beds in our living room... 

Summer goal #1: wean Mara off of her pacifier. This girl is seriously ATTACHED. It's kind of ridiculous.

More to come soon as I try to re-discover some blogging inspiration! 

The Neighborhood Pack

We are so, so lucky to live on a street with a) GREAT neighbors and b) TONS of kids. 
There are ten little girls on our street and two boys. :) 
Here is a small handful of our neighborhood rat pack :)

If you can't tell, Roderick does NOT like having his picture taken...:)

Girl Squad

Last weekend we had the William's family and our neighbors, the Heimgartner's over for a BBQ. Between the three families, we had six little girls under the age of four at our house! The girls had so much fun together... crazy to think what this scene will look like in 10+ years... :)

Little Alivia... already coming up on one year old!

From left to right: Alivia and Payton, Kennedy, Sloane, Sienna and Mara

A year ago, these two had such a hard time getting along and sharing.
Now, they are just little pals! Love it!

17 May 2013

Preschool Photos 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I had such a great Mother's Day weekend!
We spent a relaxing Saturday day around the house and then we took the girls to my mom's house and she babysat the girls for us for a couple of hours so Sean and I could squeeze in a little date night. We went to a great sushi restaurant in Tacoma. It was really fun to eat a nice dinner and have a few drinks with my favorite guy. I think date nights are so important ... especially with our busy kid-filled lives... I really look forward to and cherish them! 

On Sunday, I got to sleep in a bit and when I woke up Sean and the girls' had made my favorite breakfast... french toast! I know a lot of mom's enjoy breakfast in bed but I think eating in bed is just gross so I was happy to just eat it in the kitchen. LOL :) Later, I met my mom and Rachael for fun mother-daughter pedicures and then we came back to our house and Sean cooked us a steak dinner. Two great meals all in one day - can't beat that!

Hope all of the mom's I know and love had a great weekend. 
I am truly blessed to have the mom I do and I feel so fortunate to get to BE a mom to my two daughters. 
And on top of that... I am surrounded by amazing mama friends who are walking this journey of motherhood with me. Heidi, Katie, Sarah, Amy, Melissa, Stacie, Martha, Robin, Jami and many others... thanks for the constant support and laughter. I couldn't do it without you!

 My mom does not like to have her picture taken but I made her get in a few this year - so happy I did!