28 September 2009
Like Mother, Like Daughter...
Kennedy and I seem to share a love of two things: a great book and a great bath! Here she is enjoying her new book with daddy...
And here she is enjoying her bath... she comes from a long line of women who love a good bath so it is only fitting that she love them too!
21 September 2009
Whoa... Babies!
I babysat our nephew, Roderick, today which meant I had two babies under the age of 7 months in my care! It was a busy morning! When Amy came to pick Roderick up at 1 pm, I was still in my pajamas! It was so fun having the babies together... Kennedy gets a kick out of her little cousin and is more than ready for him to get a little bigger so they can play. As you can see in the second picture, she was even trying to hold his hand. The last few photos are of the "mini photo shoot" I put Roderick through :) 
17 September 2009
13 September 2009
80 Years Young
We celebrated Sean's Grandpa Aldo's 80th birthday this weekend on Camano Island... it was a beautiful party and the weather was wonderful too! We love Grandpa Aldo and it was great to celebrate his birthday! We were also able to get some family pictures although we were missing a few people (Sarah, Marji, Hunter, Jon)... with such a big family, we take what we can get! :)

10 September 2009
7 Months Old!
That's right, our girl is already 7 months old... time is just flying by! She continues to be a beautiful blessing and brings so much happiness to our lives. We are insanely proud of her and constantly entertained by her happy personality!
Above is her "7-month" photo... note how I have to slyly hide the paper behind her or she will discover it and THIS will happen... :)
Here are a few of her milestones thus far (I write these more for myself so I don't forget... I am under no illusions that most of you care to read about each accomplishment... thank you for bearing with me!)
Kennedy is:
*** Sleeping 6-8 hours at night. She generally goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00... sleeps until about 4 am, drinks her bottle and then goes back to sleep until about 7 am. I sure am enjoying more sleep- it even somewhat resembles the sleep I got "pre-baby!" Yeah!
*** Becoming a great little eater... she loves baby cereal, mashed bananas, applesauce, sweet potatoes and pears.
*** STILL teething but still has NO teeth! So frustrating because they really bother her... Orajel is our friend.
***Sitting up like a rockstar but is showing no interest in crawling. Sean tries to teach her... I do not... the sooner she moves, the sooner I have to chase her!!! :)
*** LOVING the little daycare she goes to 2 days per week. It is very small with only a few kids and she loves Linda (the owner) and the other babies. They take wonderful care of her there which brings me a lot of comfort on the days I work.
08 September 2009
Sarah's Bachelorette Party
I took a short hiatus from our weekend at Anderson Island to attend Sarah's bachelorette party. It was a fun girls night and it was great to celebrate Sarah! Sarah and Kevin are getting married on September 19th- we can't wait to celebrate their big day!
Toasting Sarah
Labor Day Weekend
We had a wonderful time at Anderson Island over Labor Day Weekend. Our great friends, the Marti Family (Bill, Sarah, Hailey and Dane) joined us for the weekend and as always, our weekends with them are full of food, wine and lots of laughter! Their daughter Hailey is close in age to my sister so Rachael came with us too! The kids had a great time together. I had planned to get a group shot but somehow the weekend came and went and I never got one. Dangit!
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