10 October 2009

Growin' Girl

At 8 months old, Kennedy is a petite 15.9 lbs and is able to:
Stand up next to the couch for a few seconds...
and, we really love her too (see shirt)...
Get up on all fours... she is sooo close to crawling...
Pose for super-cute pictures in her bath towel... :)

Kennedy is a drooling machine but still does not have teeth, much to our dismay!
This month she started saying "da-da."
Although she does not yet associate it with Sean, she says it often.
I am patiently waiting for "ma-ma!" :)
She continues to be the happiest little squirt and we love her quick and constant smile.
Could we be more blessed?


Anonymous said...

Wow Prita! I love this blog! You are going to have to show me how to do this for Roderick. What a great way for family and friends to keep up on Kennedy's ever growing life. She is soooooo stinkin cute! She is all McKenna- sorry Prita!!!! Look at those eyes and that smile. I just love her!!!! I think she looks like her Auntie as a baby! :-)

PS- Katie, I promise to learn how to post from your wonderful directions. Right now it is much too late! Thanks for doing all that for me! :-)

Posted by: Auntie Amy

Kim Allgood said...

So our little Peter at 4 months weighs 16 pounds 13 ounces. He could eat her he is so big!