24 May 2010

Hey Marseilles

Sean, Amy and I went and saw the band Hey Marseilles play Saturday night (our brother-in-law, Colin, is the drummer and our cousin Patrick plays the trumphet). It was a great show! Too bad we are getting old and staying up past midnight did us all in the next day. ;)


After months of wondering if she even had teeth, they are finally coming in with a vengeance! I feel the need to hum "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth..."

18 May 2010

Zoo Time

We went to the zoo with Katie and her sister-in-law, Francine, on Monday. The kiddos had a great time! For someone who hated going to the zoo as a kid, I sure am enjoying it now! More than anything, it is just an excuse to get outside and do something fun with my girl. Looking forward to taking both Rachael and Kennedy to the zoo this summer.
Kennedy with the napping gorilla and jaguar
And, a few pics from our BBQ the other night. I love that my friends (and family) are having kids as well, it is so fun to watch the babes play together. Looking forward to Sarah and Heidi's babies joining the group. Kennedy's hair is finally long enough to put all of it up... she looks like such a big girl.
Kennedy and Finn (15 and 11 months)

15 May 2010

C'mon Summer!

You know summer is almost here when your Friday evening consists of playing in the yard, running through the sprinkler and drinking a cold beer (me, not the kids!)... 

12 May 2010

15 Months Old

Our little jockey is 15 months old! She continues to be such a joy. The past month hasn't brought about too many new developments but here is a quick update on our girl. I will not do a post like this again until 18 months... I doubt this is interesting stuff to most of you. ;)

Weight: 19.2 lbs (5th percentile)
Height:  28 inches (10th percentile)
Teeth:  Top four teeth have broken through and the second bottom tooth is on its way (5-6 teeth total)
Interests: books, going for walks, playing with friends, being outside, climbing on and off of her rocking horse, exploring and becoming more curious by the day
Language: saying about 5 words consistently and clearly (uh-oh, hi, bye, no, ma, da) but understanding far more than that
Eating habits: 3 great meals a day + 1-2 snacks ... favorite foods include pasta, french toast, beans/carrots, mashed potatoes, fruit
Bottle update: On daycare days, she drinks two bottles (morning and night). On days home with me, she wakes right up and has breakfast and just one bottle before bed. My plan is to eliminate the bottle entirely within the next month.
Sleeping: bedtime between 7:30-8 p.m. and sleeps until 7-7:30 a.m. ... solid bedtime routine of a bath and then a bottle and stories in the glider chair. Sometimes she falls asleep on me and I lay her down... most nights we rock for awhile and then I lay her in bed.
Personality: happy and easy-going... she does seem to get frustrated when we don't understand exactly what she wants. As she develops more language, I am assuming this will improve. I am trying to teach her more sign language to alleviate hers (and my) frustration. Kennedy gets along so well with other kids... she absolutely loves her little daycare. She could care less when I leave and often doesn't even care when I come to pick her up. This is a sure indicator that she is being well cared for there and this brings me immense peace of mind when I am at work. One of my favorite developments over the past month is an increase in her affectionate side. She is constantly coming up for hugs and kisses. She loves to come up and put her head on my shoulder. It might be my favorite thing in the world.
Six weeks of school left for me... then I am looking forward to the summer off with my girl!

10 May 2010

Mother's Day

Thanks to Sean for a great Mother's Day... beautiful flowers, sweet cards and a delicious french toast breakfast. You are the best.
Thanks to Kennedy for making me a mom. It is the most profound experience of my life...you are my precious girl.
And thanks to my own Mom. Our family has a history of great moms and you are no exception.

08 May 2010

Snoqualmie Falls

We decided to get out and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather today! Snoqualmie Falls was a great 1/2 day adventure for us. I am embarassed to say I had never been there! I couldn't believe that a) it was so close and b) how unbelievably gorgeous it was. What a great way to celebrate Mother's Day!

Lucky Girl

Kennedy is blessed with SOOO many people who love her! Two of these great people are her Uncle Harv and Auntie Amy! She has such a great time with both of them. No doubt, these two will have a great impact on her life as she grows up. I too have been blessed with wonderful aunts and uncles so I am thrilled that Kennedy will get to experience this special relationship. 

Little Bug

Since her ladybug themed first birthday party, Kennedy has kind of become known as the "little bug." She is the little bug and her great-grandma is the big bug! LeeAnn was nicknamed "ladybug" by her husband years and years ago... She has tons and tons of ladybug paraphernalia that she has collected over the years. We think it is pretty neat that she recognizes Kennedy as her little bug and we really love the cute little ladybug table and chairs she got for her! As you can see, Kennedy also loves it!

03 May 2010

Tinker Toosies and Squeaks

Here is a quick flashback to Roderick and Kennedy (a.k.a "Squeaks" and "Tinker Toosies") last summer! Roderick was just a newborn and Kennedy was 5 1/2 months old.
And, here they are now!
At 9 months and almost 15 months, respectively, these two are quite the dynamic duo! That 5 month age gap is quickly becoming less obvious! They weigh almost the same amount and Kennedy is just a smidge taller. They are best buddies and I can't wait to watch them grow up together. Now that Amy and Harv live so close, we get to see Squeaks all the time and we love it! Here are a few photos Amy took the other night when they babysat for us (thanks again, guys!). If you follow both mine and Amy's blogs, I apologize for the repeated pics! :)

02 May 2010

Little Reader

Kennedy loves books (and I REALLY love that she loves books). I often find her sitting alone looking at a book. Granted, they are upside down a good portion of the time but I still take pleasure in knowing she can appreciate a good story. She especially enjoys a story before bedtime... and not just one story. She will sit and listen to story after story after story... I think she understands the art of stalling bedtime even at this young age!