The big 3-0 is quickly approaching... as in, tomorrow.
I am okay with turning 30... I am actually
great with turning 30. I feel content and happy with where my life is.
But... it totally
weirds me out to think that my 20's... the decade people always refer to as the prized, care-free years.... is actually
over. And so I started thinking about my 20's and I realized... it was an action-packed decade. In fact, I am pretty sure there will never be a decade that will contain so many life changing events.
And so I pulled out some old photos... and took a trip down memory lane.
I began my 20's like this. Carefree and happy. I was a sophomore in college, living with a few girlfriends.
I was also newly dating this guy... I was way in love with him but we didn't really know if it would last.
I was in college, he had graduated. We lived a couple of hours apart.
Funny to think that neither of us had any idea just how serious it would become...
Honest to God, I loved college.
I had. a. blast.
One of the greatest things I took out of college was a dear, dear friend.
We started college as good friends but emerged as sisters.
For the rest of my life, I will count her as one of my greatest blessings.
In the summer of 2004, my little sister was born.
It is hard to put into words exactly how much her birth meant to me.
To grow up without siblings and then suddenly get one at the age of 22 rocked my world.
It is not the traditional sibling relationship... we don't bicker or share dolls and clothes. We don't share a bedroom and make-up, we will never go to the same school. But to have another person in this world who shares my genes... and most importantly, shares my mom.... means more than I could ever put into words.
Soon came college graduation.... (have another drink Prita!...)
I landed my first teaching job and real-life began. Sort of...
I realized today that these kids (my first class), started 8th grade this year. Whoa.
Heidi and I thought it would be fun to continue living together so during my first year of teaching, we rented a basement apartment in Seattle.
And the fun continued... we weren't quite ready to live separately yet. :)
But eventually, growth had to happen. And it did... when Sean proposed in March of 2006.
Rachael was part of the proposal... she wore this cute sign:
It wasn't a fancy proposal and it was in the living room of his house.
But to me, it couldn't have been more perfect.
He incorporated my little sis, who, as I said, rocked my world.
So the wedding preparations began and in April of 2007, we bit the bullet.
Marrying him was the best decision I have ever made.
In February2009, my life changed forever when I met my Kennedy... and I became a mom.
And then we were a family.
But we weren't quite complete, so we added another member.
And I fell in love... again... with our sweet Mara.
And here we are now... deep in the throes of parenting and responsibility (i.e. the daily grind).
And it is here ... in this place... that I say hello to the 30's.
It is challenging to take care of two kids, a husband, a house, the laundry, groceries, and cooking.
I miss teaching but not as much as I thought I would.
I leave this decade in a much different place than I began it.
Which is good... that means I am evolving and growing.
I loved being 20 but I wouldn't go back.
The things I did, the experiences I had, the people I knew, the achievements I made... defined my 20's.
And they prepared me for my 30's.
This decade will probably not be as action-packed. But I think it will be just as
special, just as
important and it will bring just as much
joy. Probably more.
Because of these three.
Bring it, 30.