12 December 2015

When Friends Are Family.

We had a fun night out in Seattle mid-December with Heidi and Brian celebrating her 34th birthday!
We went to a great Italian restaurant and then to a nearby bar for an after-dinner drink.
It was a fun night and a much needed distraction for my dear friend who has endured a deeply sad year. In the midst of sadness though, beautiful moments always seem to show themselves and as I look at this photo now, that rings true. Friends who are really family ... it's a little sweet spot in life. 

Aiden | Six Months Old

I am always amazed at how quickly the first year with a baby goes by and this time is no different. Already half of a year down with this little man. It's crazy how six months of pregnancy feels like for-EVER but six months with a baby is just a blink. So I am making an effort to document his monthly details and photos so I remember to put them in our yearly blog photo album.

Aiden has turned into our smiley, squeely, squeaky, rolly-polly little man!
A few facts about our boy:

- Weighed 15.7 lbs at his six month check up (15th percentile for weight and 50th for height).
- Has lightly started eating some solid foods (basically when his mom isn't lazy about it!).
- Drinks 6-7 oz bottles about every 3 hours
- Solid bedtime of 7 pm ... waking 1-2 times for a bottle in the night. Probably need to start some sleep-training and get him more solidly on solids!
- Adores and loves his big sisters - nobody makes him laugh like they do.
- Adored and loved by his big sisters - nobody makes them smile like he does.
- Rolling all over the place and sitting with assistance
- Great fine motor skills and head control (he is officially "hipable").
- Super happy little guy and no signs of stranger anxiety yet

Here are some of our favorite six month photos!

09 December 2015

Monday Night Football.

Sean's dad has season tickets to the Seahawks so we are fortunate to be able to go to a handful of games each season. In early October, Sean and Harv were gone on their hunting trip so Amy and I were able to snag the tickets and we each brought a friend to the game. She brought her friend Camille and I brought Heidi. We had so much fun - during and AFTER the game! :)

At halftime, Heidi and I met up with two of our favorite college buddies!
It's like no time has passed when we all get together. Love these guys! 

And here are a few other photos I snapped over the course of the 2015 football season! 

Frozen on Ice.

We took the girls to see Frozen on Ice with our friends and neighbors, the Heimgartner Family!
It was a fun night and a great show!

And I can officially say I am Frozen-ed OUT. No seriously.

P.s. I always appreciate the fact that they sell wine and beer at these children's events.

Ocean Shores Girls Trip

I spent the weekend before Thanksgiving at Ocean Shores with a few of my favorite friends - Stacie, Robin and Jami. Melissa couldn't join us this time (boo!) and we really missed her! We had a great time though drinking wine, talking, drinking wine, talking, drinking wine and.... talking. :) Pretty sure we covered every topic under the sun (sorry husbands!). Bahhhhaaa!

The Yellow Mustaches... errr MUSTANGS.

Kennedy played her first season of soccer this past fall and it was a great experience for her! She made HUGE strides over the course of just eight weeks and by the last game she scored three goals! She spent the first few weeks of practice thinking her team was named the "yellow mustaches" which completely confused me (and made me laugh every time she said it ). I was happy to learn they were in fact named the yellow MUSTANGS.

I was actually really proud to watch her play. She started the season with absolutely no idea how the game was played but every single game she just ran her little tail off and tried SO hard. It made me teary every time to see our girl taking it seriously and putting in her VERY best effort.

In addition to learning some basic soccer skills, she had a lot of fun with the other girls on the team. We were lucky to get on a team with a GREAT coach, great girls and great parents... it was fun for all! I am looking forward to having her play again in the spring!

the yellow mustangs and Coach Wayne 
Our girl going after it!