After an entire year, we finally had Kennedy baptized! We were waiting until we felt ready to make the committment to attend church regularly as a family and become involved in a parish. It was a fun (albeit stressful) day! The baptism took place during Kennedy's usual nap time so she was pretty fussy and wiggly through the entire Mass. It was a group effort in keeping her entertained. Kennedy has two sets of wonderful godparents: my cousins, Rachael and Rob and her Aunt Amy and Uncle Harv. Rob wasn't able to make it as he is busy with optometry school in California. We missed you Rob! Amy still had her baptismal dress from when she was baptized! We got it cleaned up and Kennedy was able to wear it which was so special! It is over 30 years old and still so pretty.
Okay, so we attempted to get some photos after the baptism. Now, at this point, Kennedy is about 2 hours past her nap and the church was super crowded. Sooo... the pictures are not great but at least we got a few!
Kennedy with Father Bill
Kennedy with her godmother, Rachael. This is literally the only smile we got during the post-baptism photos. Nice work Rach!
Kennedy with Rachael and her fiancee, Bob. A big thanks to Rachael and Bob for coming all the way from Montana. It was so special having you both there!
Kennedy with godparents, Auntie Amy and Uncle Harv... as usual, Kennedy is pointing at something.

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