03 May 2010

Tinker Toosies and Squeaks

Here is a quick flashback to Roderick and Kennedy (a.k.a "Squeaks" and "Tinker Toosies") last summer! Roderick was just a newborn and Kennedy was 5 1/2 months old.
And, here they are now!
At 9 months and almost 15 months, respectively, these two are quite the dynamic duo! That 5 month age gap is quickly becoming less obvious! They weigh almost the same amount and Kennedy is just a smidge taller. They are best buddies and I can't wait to watch them grow up together. Now that Amy and Harv live so close, we get to see Squeaks all the time and we love it! Here are a few photos Amy took the other night when they babysat for us (thanks again, guys!). If you follow both mine and Amy's blogs, I apologize for the repeated pics! :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

SO cute Prita!!! I love this post! flashbacks are the best! The How has it gone by so fast? They were both so little last summer...look at them now. I love these little lovins!