27 August 2010
Friday Photo
Of all the things she will learn from him, hardwork and efficency will be two of the greatest lessons.
23 August 2010
Margaret + Danny
Margaret and Danny finally tied the knot on Saturday! It was a beautiful wedding and Margaret was a beautiful bride! They were married at St. Pat's and had the reception at Slavonian Hall in Tacoma.
This has been such a fun summer! It has been so fun to watch my friends experience so many wonderful, life-changing events over the past couple of months. Sarah and Heidi both became moms this summer, Kjell became a daddy, Margaret is married, and Rachael is getting married in about 9 days!
Margaret and I have been friends since 4th grade... we have been through a lot together. I took a ton of photos at the rehearsal dinner and wedding. Here is a random assortment of my favorites- Congrats Margaret and Danny! Love you guys!

This has been such a fun summer! It has been so fun to watch my friends experience so many wonderful, life-changing events over the past couple of months. Sarah and Heidi both became moms this summer, Kjell became a daddy, Margaret is married, and Rachael is getting married in about 9 days!
Margaret and I have been friends since 4th grade... we have been through a lot together. I took a ton of photos at the rehearsal dinner and wedding. Here is a random assortment of my favorites- Congrats Margaret and Danny! Love you guys!
20 August 2010
Friday Photo
"A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember."
18 August 2010
Payton Diane
Heidi and Brian welcomed their adorable little girl into the world this past weekend. Payton Diane Williams was born on Sunday, August 15th at about 4:30 a.m. She weighed 6 lbs, 2 oz and measured 18.5 inches. She has a head of dark hair and is soo tiny and precious! Today, I went to visit the new little family and they are just doing great. A bit sleep deprived of course, but clearly so in love with their new daughter. It is really fun to watch a dear friend become a mom. As I held Payton and watched Kennedy run around, I realized how far Heidi and I have come. Gone are the carefree, college party days! :) But, in its place are the new memories being made and they are even sweeter. I so look forward to watching our kids grow up together. Congrats Williams family!
13 August 2010
Friday Photo
"A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember."
12 August 2010
Climbin' Kennedy
Here are a few photos of Kennedy enjoying the outdoor climber and slide we got for her this week! We are noticing that she is not a kid who just unabashedly "jumps into" new situations. Ever since the unfortunate shower incident in May (long story), she is a far more cautious girl. She was unsure and nervous about how to climb up on it and the slide was stressful to her (briefly). But, once she gains her confidence, there is no stopping her! :)
09 August 2010
Dear Kennedy... at 18 Months Old
Dear Kennedy,
Well, here we are at the year and a half mark since your birth. It has gone so fast! You have grown into a bright-eyed, babbling, bundle of toddler joy!
At your 18 month check up, you weighed 20 lbs (5th percentile) and measured 30 inches in length (10th percentile). You have six teeth, some lingering eczema and a whole lotta strawberry-blonde hair. You are saying about a dozen words and are beginning to express your needs and wants with a vengeance! You are seeking more and more independence with little things. Instead of sitting in my lap to read books, you like to sit next to me and hold the book yourself. Instead of letting me feed you, you now prefer to do it yourself with your own spoon. You mimic and copy actions of other people such as the little boy tap dancing on the Ellen Degeneres show or your Auntie Rachael doing a headstand ... on the couch. :) You still love your pacifier but you have also grown attached to your baby and your puppy (although each day determines which is the favorite). You sleep with a soft, cozy blanket now, not a sleep sack, and I think you kind of love it. You love to be outside, exploring. You really love fruit. I mean, you really love it. You will choose blueberries over chocolate any day. This makes for some interesting diaper changes!
Intermingled with these new autonomous behaviors are the beginnings of a little girl. I often catch glimpses of what you will be like in a year or two. I know that by then you will have lost the toddler-esque behaviors that are (thankfully) still here now. While I look forward to knowing that future girl, I hold tight to you now. This is a sweet, sweet age. You are full of kisses and cuddles and you are on the verge of all-out communication. I can't wait to hear what you will say when you can finally say it all. I think we are in for a real treat with you.
Have I mentioned that we love and utterly adore you?
Love, Mom
08 August 2010
Bryan + Jeanne
We had such a fun weekend! Sean was the best man in his friend Bryan's wedding. Sean and Bryan have been friends since 2nd grade! Bryan and Jeanne got married at Willows Lodge in Woodinville on Saturday and had their rehearsal dinner at a nearby winery on Friday. My mom was nice enough to watch Kennedy both nights for us- thanks Mom!!!
Here are a few photos from the rehearsal dinner... we were even able to take a tour of the winery which was so cool!
Here are a few photos from the rehearsal dinner... we were even able to take a tour of the winery which was so cool!
Bryan and Jeanne gave Sean a great bottle of scotch as a gift. See the blue thing tied around the top? That is my garter, from my wedding! Bryan caught it at our wedding and saved it this entire time just so he could attach it to Sean's gift when he got married- how sweet is that?
Jeanne and her mom did a beautiful job decorating the reception area.
Each table was named after a place and the centerpieces were beautiful and so unique!
the happy couple
Bryan works for Felt bicycles and is an avid cyclist.
He had a tandem bike made for he and Jeanne that said Just Married :)
Sean giving his best man speech- as always, he did an awesome job.
This is the fourth speech I have seen him give and he does a great job each time!
I am always so proud of him.
Congratulations Bryan and Jeanne! You are a great couple and we wish you all the happiness in the world!
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