13 June 2012

Well Hello, June!

I've been a bit of a blogging slacker lately.
I haven't felt like I've had that much to say but now that I am looking through some recently uploaded photos, I realize that, as usual, we have been quite busy!

The first weekend in June, I hosted a baby shower for my lovely cousin, Rachael.
Rachael used to work at Children's Hospital in Seattle and though she has moved back home to Montana, she still has lots of friends out here so I thought it would be fun to throw her a shower with her Washington peeps (plus... this was a GREAT way to get her out here to visit me!) I have been dying to see her pregnant (she did not disappoint, she looks adorable!). The next time I see her... at our cousin Bryan's wedding in August... she will be a mama! I can't wait to meet her new little one... I have a hunch it is a boy, but we shall see.

A few photos from her shower ( I didn't take any artsy ones of decor and food... it is soo hard to do this when you are the host!).

"big Rach and little Rach"... beautiful, beautiful blondies! 

Rachael and Aunt Judy

Rachael and her grandma Rosie! 

Rachael with her mother-in-law, Joan. Truly, one of the nicest ladies I have ever met. 

Two of my favorite girls. 

Rachael and her friend Jenny who is also pregnant ... this picture makes me laugh. 

The day after her shower, Rachael and I went to a local park and I took some maternity photos for her.
This was my very first maternity photo shoot and I absolutely loved it!
I think there is something so beautiful about a pregnant mama.
Well... I think there is something beautiful about other pregnant women. I, myself, did not feel too beautiful during my pregnancies! Must have been the  unnecessary weight gain and fluid retention! :)

Most of her maternity shots are posted on my photography blog or on my photography website but here are a couple little peeks. If you are not following my Junebug Blog, add it to your feed! I have four shoots booked before the end of June so I will be updating often!

Speaking of photography, I recently placed an advertisement for my business into the Puyallup Passport which is basically an entertainment book for residents of the Puyallup area. They will be sold this weekend at Meeker Days in Puyallup. I am offering a great deal on family sessions and 20% off A La Carte prints and albums if you buy the book. If you live in Puyallup, pick one up this weekend!

Other June happenings include Kennedy starting soccer (no photos from that yet as the first day of practice included a massive torrential downpour and we left early). We are prepping for Mara's baptism and Father's Day this weekend! A certain little one in our family is quickly approaching the one - year mark so stayed tuned for party pics and her one-year photo shoot.

A few weeks shy of her first birthday, and this little lady has two bottom teeth and one side tooth on the top. This look has prompted the nickname "snaggle-tooth" by her mama. Oh well, at the one year mark, she beats her sister by three teeth! Kennedy was all-gums on her first birthday!

She's not walking, but she is definitely getting around.
This reminds me, I need to post video of her "crawl," and by "crawl," I mean frog-hop.

"Who Me?" 

 This smile cracks me up! 

She is certainly not above a little "peek-a-boo" either.

While I am constantly able to snap cute photos of Mara, Kennedy proves to be a bit more challenging.
More often than not... I get THIS:


But every so often, she's flash me a semi-natural smile...

Kennedy is quite a character these days though I often think she has multiple personalities... hoping this is just the age. One minute she is sweet and cuddly and the next she is S-A-S-S-Y.
Sean is constantly saying to me "I don't like her attitude. We can't let her get away with that." Why do I feel like these phrases might be repeated in about ten years? God help us.

She has a killer sense of humor and when she outright laughs, it is contagious.
It is one of those loud laughs that is so authentic and real, there are barely breaths in it.
She loves her friends and her auntie... and she really loves this guy... our little neighbor. ;)
We like him too.

I have officially resigned my teaching position.
I feel pangs of sadness about it but mostly I am excited about the now.
Teaching will always be there.
I am loving my photography business... and mostly, I am loving these two.

Happy June.

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