24 April 2013

A Glimpse

Every so often, I will take a photo of one of the girls and something about that particular photo will just propel me into the future as if I am getting a glimpse of what she will look like at an older age. I definitely got that feeling with Kennedy in this photo. Somehow, she flashed before my eyes as a young woman... maybe it is the crossed legs or the uncombed, flowing hair. Either way, it filled me with a whole lot of love and made me feel so excited to watch this little girl grow into a special young lady.

The girls were "in the mood" to let me photograph them a few days ago. It was so beautiful outside and I just love, love, love these images. I sent the first two off today to be printed as 11x14's. Now I have to figure out where to put them in our house! :)

These two really do love each other so much. The bond between sisters is truly special which is why I converted all of these into black and whites... classic and timeless.


Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

 ... and play dress-up!

And yes... we are already saving for braces. LOL

17 April 2013


We spent a fantastic week in Scottsdale with the Harvie family and grandma LeeAnn!
Sean's grandma has a house there and after three years of not being able to go visit (for various reasons), we decided this was our year to pack up the girls and head on down! Aunt Martha and her two youngest kiddos joined us for a few days as well.

We had a great time "relaxing" by the pool... and by relaxing, I mean nervously making sure none of the kids fell in and drowned (gone are the days of sunning with a good book!) :)

We went to the awesome train park and to Rawhide, the little western town.
We also went to a really fun country-western restaurant that had a huge slide in it for the kids to enjoy (which they did!). I would love to share photos of all of these fun outings but in an unfortunate turn of events, I lost my small point and shoot camera that contained all of these photos! Cue: HUGE SIGH. Somehow the camera did not make it from the house to the airport... I think it fell out in our rental car. I am in the process of trying to track it down with the rental car company but it isn't looking good. SUCH a bummer... you know how I love photos!

Fortunately, I also brought along my nice camera and though I didn't get it out much, I do have a handful of photos to share from the backyard and around the house...

Mara pretending her paper plate is a cell phone... oh boy... gotta love the new generation :)

Easter 2013

I am behind on blogging! Yikes! ;)

We had a really great Easter this year.
Easter is always one of my favorite holidays... even if the weather is bad, there always seems to be a "fresh, springy" feel to this great holiday.
And this year, we lucked out with AMAZING weather... seriously, it felt like summer!

We spent part of the day in Mt. Vernon at my Aunt Jeanie's house (this is our third or fourth year going there.. she and Uncle Ray host such a wonderful dinner and Easter egg hunt!). We didn't stay for dinner this year as we left a little early to head down to Camano Island to be with Sean's mom's side of the family. It was equally as fun and great to see the girls with their friends and cousins at that celebration, too!

Photos from our fun day...

Easter baskets (and a lot of bedhead!)

Porch photos before our road trip!

Mara... don't look so excited. 

Fun at Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Ray's!


We roll in style... Easter egg hunting with target bags! 

And more fun at Grandma Linda's!

How awesome is this little tractor?!?!