My sweet girls started school today entering kindergarten and second grade, respectively.
I am not typically a super, sappy mama but there are a few, certain things and moments on this journey of parenthood that have really tugged hard at my heartstrings and turn me into the sappiest of sappy moms. Today was one of them. Sending both my girls off to full-time school felt like a big milestone, a big transition for our family. Kennedy has been in full-day school now for two years but having them both enter this next phase really hit me. It's so cliché to say but my God, it really has gone so fast. And my mama heart knows it will continue to go so fast and that college... though far away... really isn't. I felt acutely aware today of the fact that these chicks will eventually fly our nest and that their school life and the relationships they form now will be a huge part of all of that. It's so sweet and wonderful to watch and I truly feel so privileged and honored to be their mama and to see where their lives will take them. Ok, putting down my Kleenex now.
They love going to school with their cousins and it was fun doing a little McKenna/Harvie pre-school photo shoot this morning. Mara and McKenna are actually in the same kindergarten class which is so cool for them.
I had been pretty on the fence about sending Mara to kindergarten but I think my gut was right in sending her as she had no qualms at all about going and was happy as could be in her new classroom. It made me feel so relieved and happy.
Wishing these girls of mine a wonderful school year!
29 August 2016
We had a blast at the Guns 'n Roses concert earlier this month. If you were at our wedding, you know GNR is one of Sean's favorite bands (hence his Sweet Child of Mine rendition at the very end of our reception!).
Anyway - there was a huge group of us at the concert and I only snapped a few pictures to represent but gosh it was fun. Sean and I both love, love, love music so nights out at concerts are some of our favorites and with this fun group of peeps, we couldn't go wrong!
Bad Moms
We couldn't find a Friday or Saturday night that worked for all of us so we ended up with a Sunday morning date to have breakfast and see the movie Bad Moms in the theatre. We had so much fun at breakfast... laughed our asses off through the movie and then spent the entire rest of the day eating, drinking and laughing so hard our stomachs hurt in an old-fashioned, pre-kids SUNDAY FUNDAY.
Love these girls. Can't wait until next time. #webad
Love these girls. Can't wait until next time. #webad
23 August 2016
Aiden Sean | 14 Months
I haven't blogged about this guy in a few months. He's changing so much - literally by the day. He might be the happiest kid I have ever met. And the most curious. And the busiest. Probably not - but it feels that way!
At 14 months, he's so snuggly. And turning into such a mama's boy.
He says a few words - mama, dada, Cooper .... and the most frequent word... yeah. He answers yeah to everything and anything which we think is so funny.
He dances like a champ.
He loves his sisters.
He loves to wander and run... and fall.
He has 10 teeth (last time I checked).
He loves to eat and has only one bottle a day now (in the evening).
He weighs 20 lbs and wears 12-18 month clothes and size 5 shoes.
He is left-handed.
He has the best hair.
He looks so much like his oldest sister that it freaks me out.
God we love him. We just really love him.
At 14 months, he's so snuggly. And turning into such a mama's boy.
He says a few words - mama, dada, Cooper .... and the most frequent word... yeah. He answers yeah to everything and anything which we think is so funny.
He dances like a champ.
He loves his sisters.
He loves to wander and run... and fall.
He has 10 teeth (last time I checked).
He loves to eat and has only one bottle a day now (in the evening).
He weighs 20 lbs and wears 12-18 month clothes and size 5 shoes.
He is left-handed.
He has the best hair.
He looks so much like his oldest sister that it freaks me out.
God we love him. We just really love him.
21 August 2016
Project 365 | Days 31-63
My 365 project continues and I am enjoying it so much! I have had to adjust my shooting schedule a bit to keep up but it's working out. I continue to be very intentional in which shots I choose and I am focusing on using light in interesting ways and capturing small (but big) meaningful moments.
Little Artists | Project 365
Kennedy and her cousin Roderick working hard. Two peas in a pod since the day they joined forces in this world.
Kennedy and her cousin Roderick working hard. Two peas in a pod since the day they joined forces in this world.
Early Risers | Project 365
These two are up at the crack of dawn. This is both super cool (because of this photo) and super annoying (because... well, it's the crack of dawn).
Up So High | Project 365 These two are up at the crack of dawn. This is both super cool (because of this photo) and super annoying (because... well, it's the crack of dawn).
The higher the better for this guy. He loves to be on shoulders and up in the air. And he loves his daddy.
Sparklers | Project 365
Fireworks make me just generally uneasy but I put that aside and we let the kids do sparklers over the weekend - they had so much fun. Sparklers on the fourth of July is so wonderfully nostalgic.
Beach Combing | Project 365
Sean will comb the beach forever looking for agates and other treasures and the kids love to trail along with him.
Summer Reading | Project 365
I am trying not to let reading fall by the wayside during these summer months so everyday the girls spend 20 minutes relaxing with some books. I found Kennedy on my bed the other day reading away next to Max - our old and blind cat.
Auntie Amy | Project 365
My girls truly love and adore their Auntie Amy. My 365 project wouldn't be complete without her in it and I know this photo will only become more special as the years go on and those littles get bigger.
Water Man | Project 365
He's our bull-legged, walks like he has had too many whiskeys water man. He has six teeth and chronic bed head and is the happiest little guy I ever did see.
Five | Project 365
New bike for her birthday! Happy girl. And yes, we love Montana.
Go PLAY! | Project 365
When you tell them to go find something to do and you find them doing this. They are nothing if not imaginative. And I am so glad that door was closed.
Baby Squats | Project 365
He has mastered the one year old squat. Up and down all day long - his quads must be rock solid! Also, he plays with pink toys the majority of the time... it's the reality of being the youngest of girls.
Water Guns | Project 365
It ended in tears (doesn't it always?). But it was fun while it lasted!
Silly | Project 365
The image I snapped right before this one is sweet and smiley but this one made me laugh. Photos that convey emotion are the best anyways. Love this kid.
Go, Go, Go | Project 365
This is mostly how I see him these days. Running away from me, in search of.... everything. Love that little pajama butt.
Montana Memories | Project 365
We enjoyed an awesome week at our family cabin in Montana. Lots of laughs and great memories made! Poor Sean and Aiden were severely outnumbered by women.
Sister Rides | Project 365
They are nearly the same size and share a lot of clothes. Yet, Kennedy carries Mara around on her back as if she is so much bigger. Always makes me laugh!
Gliding | Project 365
I have wanted this shot forever. I have spent so much time in this place over the past 7 1/2 years. Countless moments spent rocking, feeding, reading and singing in this little spot. Tears of joy and tears of profound sadness shed in this chair. And don't get me started on the postpartum, sleep-deprivation tears. But mostly... just SO much happiness. Precious moments that are completely undocumented outside of my memory. So today I set the timer and snapped just one image to remember them always.
Three Bugs in a Tub | Project 365
Water Babies | Project 365
They rarely bathe together - Kennedy prefers showers and Mara tries to drown Aiden (unintentionally, of course) every time they take a bath together. They look cute and peaceful here though, don't they?
Summer Feet | Project 365
Not surprisingly, Kennedy and Aiden have identical feet. Mara's are all her own.
14 Months | Project 365
Our little blondie is 14 months today and is turning into such a little BOY! He's super verbal - babbling and attempting words all the time. And he is the busiest little bugger I have ever encountered (cue my nervous laughter). We adore him.
Oh, Mom | Project 365
He probably thinks I am pretty nuts laying on the ground taking his picture all the time. Perspective is everything though, right?
Tickle Toes | Project 365
Summer will be slipping away soon and so will our days with Auntie Rachael. She sure is loved by her nieces and nephew.
Leftie | Project 365
He always has something in his hand and loves to just carry random items around. We recently noticed that he's left-handed! Though it might be kind of a hassle for him at times, we think it's pretty cool and unique!
First Responder | Project 365
Someone recently called Kennedy my first responder and I thought it was so funny because it is so TRUE. I really do depend on her a lot - she's a wonderful little helper and an amazing big sister to Aiden. I always joke he has two moms!
Hanging Out | Project 365
I came through the kitchen and glanced over and saw this on the couch. It just made me smile.
Game Changer | Project 365
I am not even going to lie, three kids has been a game changer for us. We are busy, busy, busy. Sometimes (okay, a lot of the time) ... it feels really hard. But it also feels wonderful. And in a nutshell... that's parenthood. My heart is so full with this trio.
Cousin Love, Part Two | Project 365
Mara had so much fun with her cousin Hailey this past week. Only a year apart in age and looking like salt and pepper, they couldn't have been cuter. And their mamas loved seeing cousin love trickling into another generation.
Summer | Project 365
Messy ponytails and campfires. Its a good summer.
My Kiki | Project 365
I wish I could take the credit for this shot but it was all Sean. I didn't even realize he snapped it until I uploaded. it. A fun find and one I will love forever. She wore that cap our entire trip. More and more, she is becoming my little side kick. I love our conversations and all the things she is starting to notice at 7 years old. This photo is also a nice reminder to myself (and all moms!) to pass the camera off to others sometimes. It's so important to get in shots with your kids.
Trapped | Project 365
Another set of cousins spent some time together corralled in the pack and play ... most likely plotting their escape. And eating licorice.
Another set of cousins spent some time together corralled in the pack and play ... most likely plotting their escape. And eating licorice.

Evening Popsicles | Project 365
I came home from my photo shoot tonight to find them eating their nightly otter pops outside (seriously, we should buy stock in otter pops).
I came home from my photo shoot tonight to find them eating their nightly otter pops outside (seriously, we should buy stock in otter pops).
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