22 September 2011

Doin' the Puyallup

We hit up the Puyallup fair last week with Aunt Martha and her kids and Amy, Roderick and Mckenna. This was the first year that Kennedy could actually do a few rides. She still wasn't tall enough for most of the kiddy rides but she and Roderick were able to ride the boats, the cars and the train. Unlike last year, Kennedy would not ride the ponies!

My camera seems to have something on the front of the lense so please excuse the "haze" in the middle of these photos!

 Cousin Robert checking out the fireman jacket (how cute is he???)
 Amy and the kiddos
 Roderick and Kennedy riding the boats- they were too adorable, Amy and I couldn't stop laughing!  

 Cousin Elyse and Kennedy in the bee photo op
 Kennedy with cousin Clare 
 Kennedy and Roderick riding the cars.

1 comment:

Clare McKenna said...

I wore the exact same shirt last year to the puallup fair with you and amy:)