29 November 2011

White Balance.

In addition to my new camera equiptment, I purchased Adobe Lightroom 3 as my photo editing program.
I haven't learned this much in a long time.
Yesterday I sat at Starbucks and read a photography book with my coffee. Totally reminiscent of college.

I digress.
Anyway, on Thanksgiving I took two photos that were not exposed well. I shot them inside, without a flash and the lights in our kitchen have an ugly orangy hue in photos. This week I learned how to control white balance using Lightroom 3. Look at the difference! I am amazed. 

Turkey before:

Turkey after... cool huh? Much better color quality. 
Table setting before:

Table setting after editing:

I am sure you just fell asleep reading this post.
Boring to most, I know.... but exciting for me, the geeky photographer. :)

Murray Family Photo Shoot

It has worked out nicely that I chose to purchase new camera equiptment and start a photog. biz around the holidays because I am getting tons of practice from friends and family.

Here are a few photos from my shoot with the adorable Murray family!

Live and Learn: Rockery is not that cool of a background. Good thing I am just practicing right now and they didn't pay for these pictures. :)

And in honor of my new business, Katie gave me this great bottle of wine.
(FYI: I am calling it Junebug Photography :)...

25 November 2011

Gobble Gobble 2011

We hosted Thanksgiving this year and it was so fun.
Family and good food... nothing better... kind of a cliche... but still so true.

And thanks to a segment on the Today Show, I made this delicious Ciabatta stuffing.
Seriously, so good.

Amy made this turkey appetizer. I know. Love it.

Top 10 Things I am Thanksful for in 2011:
1. The obvious: two healthy, happy daughters. And a pretty amazing husband.
2. My mom and my sister.
3. A beautiful fall full of crisp, sunny days.
4. Food... I like cooking and I really like eating.
5. Confidence. I will need this as I start my own business in 2011. I am enormously thankful for the people in my life who have given me confidence and allowed me to believe that I can do something new. There are many of you... you know who you are... thank you.
6. Baby belly laughs and lip-smacking (a new development).
7. Dear friends. Really dear friends. Again, you know who you are.
8. Coffee. I love you.
9. Sleep. Anything is possible with a good nights sleep.
10. Modern Family. A hilarious t.v. show that not only makes me laugh out loud but makes me stop cleaning, cooking, blogging, editing or facebooking. It makes me sit on the couch and hold hands with my husband... every Wednesday.

20 November 2011

Moraiya and Roman.

I photographed Moraiya and Roman (our niece and nephew) today for their Christmas card.
They are just precious, precious kids- it was so fun photographing them!

19 November 2011

My First Photo Shoot.

Today was the first day I shot photos of subjects other than my children with my new camera.
I photographed the Harvie family (our family and friendly neighbors) for their Christmas card.
I am not sharing any of their family photos because Amy wants to wait on sharing publicly until her Christmas card goes out.
I can't resist posting just a few though...
This shoot made me so excited to launch JuneBug Photography this winter/spring.

Biggest Photography "ah-ha" moment this week: LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT.
All-natural light is simply the best.

16 November 2011

Sweet Cheeks

Not trying to leave big sister out... she is just harder to convince that posing for my endless photos is a great idea...

14 November 2011


It's official. I am obsessed with my new camera.