03 November 2013

2013 Halloween Duo!

This year, the girls dressed up as a cowgirl (Kennedy's costume from two years ago!) and a fairy! They were pretty dang cute and really loved dressing up and trick or treating this year. I didn't take any photos of trick or treating but I took some front porch photos on Halloween afternoon before things got too hectic. The collages I have made below are not showing up crystal clear as they should be - not sure why but I don't have time to fix it (lol!) so they will have to do!!

Grandma LeeAnn got the girls matching Halloween outfits so I also snapped a few photos of the girls in them. These pictures make me laugh as the girls were being SO goofy for them! :)

We had quite the group for trick or treating this year.
The Harvie's, Heimgartner's, Niperts and Chris and the kids all came along for the fun!

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