Kennedy is changing and growing by the day. So far, this eleventh month has brought on some of the more significant developments and cute habits. Unfortunately, her ecezma is still in full force as you can see in the picture below. Some days you can barely see it and other days, it is irritated and angry. We are hoping it will be better once warmer, spring weather arrives.
This is one of my favorite new habits... the index finger! It is always out- ready to point at anything and everything. The best part is that as she points, she whispers as if to say, "what is that?" in the quietest little voice.
The two picture below indicate tinker too's (yes, this is a nickname) desire to get into the cupboards and pantry. She is just itching to pull everything out... fortunately, Sean put hooks on the cupboards last week. :)
The "arms up" is another favorite. When she wants to be picked up, she will now raise her arms up. I love it when she crawls right up to my leg and does her best to crawl up it.
Kennedy continues to be completely enthralled by her Auntie Rachael. Rachael can get her to laugh so hard she can barely catch her breath. The other night, Rach brought over her mesh clothes hamper and the two girls had a heck of a time playing in it. Kennedy tends to get the short end of the straw however... note who is in the hamper and who is out ;)
Such fun memories to have -- I'm so glad you blogged them!
LOL!!!! I laughed SO hard at the one of her in the pantry. She is always getting into something. She is a little tinker pooh. Your blogs always make me laugh!!!!
She is so very adorable!
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